Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia & Alzheimer's Toward Forgetfulness Care by Nader Shabahangi and Bogna Szymkiew
Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia & Alzheimer's Toward Forgetfulness Care by Nader Shabahangi and Bogna Szymkiew PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer's Toward Forgetfulness Care, the authors invite us to shift our attitude toward dementia, or Forgetfulness, as they call it. Accompanying us are four characters -- a sage, a psychologist, a physician, and an intern -- who each sees Forgetfulness from a different viewpoint. The goal is to develop a perspective which includes the basic ingredients of openness, curiosity, and acceptance.From reader reviews:
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