The Beardude Story: Data vs Dogma by Mr Allen W. Piche
The Beardude Story: Data vs Dogma by Mr Allen W. Piche PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Could a tale about a marijuana grow op guarded by more than a dozen black bears get any weirder? Yes. It was a crime story that all but wrote itself. In 2010, police investigating an outdoor marijuana operation in British Columbia's southern Interior uncovered more than just pot plants. As the officers worked to dismantle the grow op, bears sauntered out of the woods, first six, then another four, and by final count as many as two dozen. When police searched the nearby house of an eccentric recluse, they found a "frantic" Vietnamese pot-bellied pig and a "laid back" raccoon." -Bob Keating, CBC reporter for the southern Interior of British Columbia in MACLEAN'S Magazine, January 28, 2013. "This book of yours is amazing! You have done extremely well in using all the aspects of what is already a legend to tell a compelling story about bears, probably the best I have ever read because of your steadfastness on making sure people see the bear for what they really are." -Charlie Russell, well known Canadian author and bear authority. Co-author, with Maureen Enns, of "Grizzly Heart." "love your book and love the lead up so much. It is critical because it is lived!" -Gay Bradshaw, founder of trans-species psychology and the The Kerulos Center P.O. Box 1446, Jacksonville, OR 97530From reader reviews:
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