Needle Phobia - Fifteen Minute Therapy by Mr James Brackin
Needle Phobia - Fifteen Minute Therapy by Mr James Brackin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do you want to be finally be rid of your fear of needles and injections? If the time is right then it could be easier than you think. The success of this phobia cure was featured in the UK National press - the Daily Mail and Women's Own magazine. In a controlled trial it cured a thirty year needle phobia in less than two hours. Now all of the techniques used then are available to you. The purpose of this book to give you easy-to use techniques that will help you be rid of that old fear once and for all. In addition it will provide you a number of techniques that you can, in time of need, use it to make an immediate difference. And do that in seconds or minutes rather than hours or days because all the techniques work in less than fifteen minutes. Most once used a few times will work instantly to remove any anxiety. The Fifteen Minute Needle Phobia Therapy is a hands on, practical book with interventions that work rather than a theory based text book. All of the techniques used in the book are also available as audio files so you can listen to them - just like a one-to-one session. If your fear of needles or injections is getting worse over time then these easy-to-use techniques will quickly reverse that trend.From reader reviews:
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