The METUS Principle: Recognizing, Understanding, and Managing Fear (PB) by Brian A. Peters
The METUS Principle: Recognizing, Understanding, and Managing Fear (PB) by Brian A. Peters PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
If fear is the lock that prevents you from reaching your dreams--METUS is the key. We are all capable of achieving greatness in life. However, too often we allow fear to prevent us from realizing our potential and fulfilling our purpose. Written by business and education professional Brian A. Peters, "The METUS Principle: Recognizing, Understanding, and Managing Fear" explains from diverse perspectives how fear drives human behavior and the decision-making process. This book includes amazing true stories of people who have overcome their fears to live purposeful, fulfilled lives. It offers insights on how to make better choices and respond more effectively to reach personal and professional goals, lead others, and ultimately achieve your dreams.From reader reviews:
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