Senin, 23 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action: Moral Conciousness and Communicative Action (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) by Jürgen Habermas

Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action: Moral Conciousness and Communicative Action (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) by Jürgen Habermas

Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action: Moral Conciousness and Communicative Action (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought)

Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action: Moral Conciousness and Communicative Action (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) by Jürgen Habermas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This long-awaited book sets out the implications of Habermas's theory of communicative action for moral theory. "Discourse ethics" attempts to reconstruct a moral point of view from which normative claims can be impartially judged. The theory of justice it develops replaces Kant's categorical imperative with a procedure of justification based on reasoned agreement among participants in practical discourse.Habermas connects communicative ethics to the theory of social action via an examination of research in the social psychology of moral and interpersonal development. He aims to show that our basic moral intuitions spring from something deeper and more universal than contingent features of our tradition, namely from normative presuppositions of social interaction that belong to the repertoire of competent agents in any society. Jürgen Habermas is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt.

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