Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ unlocking the heavenlies by mr prince danson

unlocking the heavenlies by mr prince danson

unlocking the heavenlies

unlocking the heavenlies by mr prince danson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Prophet Elijah called for show-down on the Mount Carmel; where He confronted idolatry and confounded the prophets of Baal. The show-down was Spiritual demonstration involving erecting an altar for true worship, to decide on the true God to be worshipped; after period of three years and half of severe drought. After show down he engaged into seven dimensions prayer travailing in the spirit to unlocking the heavenlies. His consistence and persistence in prayer made him to draw supernatural from invisible to visible world. Prayer is the mysterious key that unlocking the heavenlies. It is the effective prayer that penetrates and unlocks the heavenlies. Therefore, there are three core things about an effective prayer; that is- the essence, presence, and prevalence of prayer. The essence, is the importance of prayer that entails; Worship- acknowledging God for who is He. Prayer is act of worship- prayer persuades the heavens. Prayer is ingredient of heavenly worship and an aroma before the God. (Revelation 5:6-10, 8: 3-5) The presence is the consistence in prayer that maintains focus- on target, maintaining boldness- being courageous, and maintain faith- being believer. Jesus taught in Luke 18 about the persistent widow. The prevalence is the performance of prayer that affects the heavenly hosts, affecting earthly hosts, and affecting underground hosts. As described in Acts 10 about the prayer of Cornelius. The prayer introduces an individual to higher land, a land in spirit world that is spiritual land- the heavenly places. The most basic key of prayer is to open up an individual to the spiritual world where one experiences of God’s presence as the most wonderful and far surpassing any pleasure to be found on earth. There is peace and fullness of joy.

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