Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911 by Tanya A. Bailey

The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911 by Tanya A. Bailey

The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911

The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911 by Tanya A. Bailey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book provides an in-depth look at the great motor races that took place in Savannah, Georgia, in the golden era of early road racing: the Grand Prize of the Automobile Club of America and the Vanderbilt Cup. By examining Savannah's earlier fame in national bicycle racing competitions and its ties to the powerful dynasties who controlled the racing world, the book explains how and why Savannah was chosen. It details the construction of the course, reveals why the races and course were considered "America's greatest" by international racing experts of the period and includes many biographies of the drivers who came to Savannah. Finally, the book explores the theories and complexities of why Savannah's races and road racing in general came to an end.

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The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911 by Tanya A. Bailey EPub

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