Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Faith Factor OT: Thru-the-Bible Devotions by Jackie Perseghetti

Faith Factor OT: Thru-the-Bible Devotions by Jackie Perseghetti

Faith Factor OT: Thru-the-Bible Devotions

Faith Factor OT: Thru-the-Bible Devotions by Jackie Perseghetti PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Unfortunately many children are familiar with only a few stories in the Bible. Faith Factor offers parents and teachers the opportunity to provide their children with a book that will develop and deepen an authentic relationship with Jesus through reading and prayer.

Faith Factor OT covers the books of the Old Testament and is full of "I-didn't-know-that-was-was-in-the-Bible!" facts. This book will gently challenge children and new believers to study God's Word.

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Faith Factor OT: Thru-the-Bible Devotions by Jackie Perseghetti EPub

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