Packing up a Picnic: Activities and Recipes for Kids (Acitvities for Kids) by Rick Walton, Jennifer Adams
Packing up a Picnic: Activities and Recipes for Kids (Acitvities for Kids) by Rick Walton, Jennifer Adams PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pack a basket; we're going on a picnic! But picnics can be more than just a summertime event, and can definitely be more than the same old fried chicken and potato salad. Authors Rick Walton and Jennifer Adams present dozens of new ideas for picnics any time of year, with interesting new recipes and lots of fun games and activities to do while picnicking. Somehow, food tastes better when it's eaten outside. With Packing Up a Picnic, kids can grab their favorite foods, head to a park, spread out the blanket and chow down!Packing up a Picnic offers ideas for new and unusual picnics with themes that encourage fun, learning and creativity. Each picnic includes an introduction, a list of supplies and items to bring, and a menu with recipes and hints on making and packing the food. The authors also include some general picnic requirements and things the planner should know, such as the best picnic container, what to put your picnic on, what to eat your picnic with, and other handy things to bring, such as mosquito repellent, sunscreen and moist towlettes for easy cleanup. Plus, the authors discuss germs, food storage and how to avoid getting sick by handling food in the right way.
Including these unique picnic themes:
Breakfast Picnic
Bicycle Picnic
Haunted Picnic
Snow Picnic
Mystery Picnic
Beach Picnic
Drive-in Picnic
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