The Art and Science of Dealing with Difficult People by David Brown
The Art and Science of Dealing with Difficult People by David Brown PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In The Art and Science of Dealing with Difficult People, David Brown pinpoints the seven principles of relationship building that are crucial to creating a successful working environment. Brown breaks down each principle by providing easy to understand instructions and universally applicable management skills.
Brown’s philosophy is to approach work place discord as a problem from both a managerial and lower level perspective. He offers advice on how to treat employees, while at the same time asking leaders to reflect and make self-adjustments which will facilitate a more efficient work space. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how their employees view management personnel, what leadership skills are most effective, and how to ensure two-way communication. Using Brown’s tried and true tools, anyone can learn to focus on how to motivate, establish trust, and form a psychological contract.
Numerous case studies throughout allow readers to observe the concrete application of Brown’s suggestions in real-life scenarios and complex situations, such as mergers and staff integration, information management, and more. In addition, The Art and Science of Dealing with Difficult People provides readers with skills drawn from an understanding of the basic fundamentals of human behavior.
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