Jumat, 10 April 2015

PDF⋙ Natural Dyes for Spinners and Weavers (A Batsford craft paperback) by Hetty Wickens

Natural Dyes for Spinners and Weavers (A Batsford craft paperback) by Hetty Wickens

Natural Dyes for Spinners and Weavers (A Batsford craft paperback)

Natural Dyes for Spinners and Weavers (A Batsford craft paperback) by Hetty Wickens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A guide for spinners and weavers to the identification and use of a wide range of natural dyes, including roots, berries, lichens, barks and flowers explaining how to select and prepare fibres for dyeing, and the different methods for treating fleece, cotton, linen, silk and man-made fibres. There is detailed information on the use and effects of various mordants, a chapter on historical dyes, and suggestions for blending colours in spinning and weaving. Hetty Wickens' dye recipes will be of value to spinners and weavers who want to produce exciting colours for their materials.

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