Icefall: A Dane Maddock Adventure by David Wood
Icefall: A Dane Maddock Adventure by David Wood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When the bones of the Magi are stolen from their resting place in a German cathedral, the whispered words of a dying priest catapult Dane Maddock and Bones Bonebrake into the midst of a deadly race to solve a centuries-old conspiracy. Danger lurks at every turn and no one knows where the clues will lead... or what they will uncover. From ancient cathedrals, to hidden temples, to icy mountain peaks, Dane and Bones must outrun and outwit their enemies in the thrilling adventure- Icefall!“If you're after a fast-paced read, David Wood's wise-cracking heroes Maddock and Bones will take you on a winter romp through snow-covered cathedrals, ice caves, pagan temples and Christian myth in search of the skulls of the Magi. Icefall packs in the fist fights, cipher cracking and ancient secrets that all action adventure lovers will enjoy.”Joanna Penn, author of Pentecost and Prophecy
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