Peer Mentor Companion by Marni Sanft, Michael Jensen, Eldon McMurray
Peer Mentor Companion by Marni Sanft, Michael Jensen, Eldon McMurray PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Many First-Year Experience and Student Success programs use peer mentors to support instructors and to provide a peer-to-peer voice as students transition into college. This unique text prepares upper-class students to work directly with first-year students in a Student Success or First-Year Experience course, an Orientation Program, or as a Resident Advisor. The text outlines the best practices for implementing a peer mentor program on campus, provides instructors with a core text that illustrates what a peer mentor is and how to train students to be peer mentors. With nearly a decade of experience training peer mentors for a large first-year experience program, the authors use this experience to provide case studies in every chapter to depict real-life problems that mentors will encounter. Also look for application projects, readings, exercises, and journal entries that encourage students to reflect on their own experiences and discuss their experiences with other students.From reader reviews:
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