Selasa, 25 November 2014

PDF⋙ The Russian Renaissance (The Sokolov Saga) (Volume 1) by Ian Kharitonov

The Russian Renaissance (The Sokolov Saga) (Volume 1) by Ian Kharitonov

The Russian Renaissance (The Sokolov Saga) (Volume 1)

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Winner of the Grandmaster Award from the Clive Cussler Society.

Constantine can no longer hide in Europe. As he discovers a century-old secret, he must flee back to Moscow, chased by assassins. Only one man can save him. Eugene Sokolov: an officer in the world's most elite rescue unit, a martial arts legend… and Constantine's brother. They face an enemy unlike any other. In a game run by a KGB spymaster, the fate of Russia will depend on their survival.

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