Selasa, 22 April 2014

PDF⋙ Windows 10 for the Internet of Things by Charles Bell

Windows 10 for the Internet of Things by Charles Bell

Windows 10 for the Internet of Things

Windows 10 for the Internet of Things by Charles Bell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Manage and control Internet-connected devices from Windows and Raspberry Pi. Master the Windows IoT Core application programming interface and feature set to develop Internet of Things applications on the Raspberry Pi using your Windows and .NET programming skills. Windows 10 for the Internet of Things presents a set of example projects covering a wide range of techniques designed specifically to jump start your own Internet of Things creativity. You'll learn everything you need to know about Windows IoT Core in order to develop Windows and IoT applications that run on the Pi.

Microsoft’s release of Windows IoT Core is groundbreaking in how it makes the Raspberry Pi and Internet of Things programming accessible to Windows developers. Now it’s possible to develop for the Raspberry Pi using native Windows and all the related programming skills that Windows programmers have learned from developing desktop and mobile applications. Windows 10 becomes a gateway by which many can experience hardware and Internet of Things development who may never have had the opportunity otherwise.

However, even savvy Windows programmers require help to get started with hardware development. This book, Windows 10 for the Internet of Things, provides just the help you need to get started in putting your Windows skills to use in a burgeoning new world of development for small devices that are ubiquitously connected to the Internet. 

What You Will Learn
  • Learn Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi
  • Read sensor data and control actuators
  • Connect to and transmit data into the cloud
  • Remotely control your devices from any web browser
  • Develop IOT applications under Windows using C# and Python
  • Store your IOT data in a database for later analysis
Who This Book Is For

Developers and enthusiasts wanting to take their skills in Windows development and jump on board one of the largest and fastest growing trends to hit the technology world in years – that of connecting everyday devices to the Internet. This book shows how to develop for Microsoft’s operating-system for devices, Windows 10 IoT Core. Readers learn to develop in C# and Python using Visual Studio, for deployment on devices such as the Raspberry Pi and the Ardunio. 

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